Saturday, October 17, 2009

I have really strayed away from this! I started blogging and then just stopped. I had to find some sort of balance between work and being a Mom and although some days are better then others I feel like I am finally getting the hang of this. (It only took 5 months!!)

This is going to be a quick update on what is happening here:

Paul is still a senior assistant manager with Discount Tire. We are praying one day he will be promoted to manager again Hopefully soon! He recently discovered he has some high blood pressure and high cholesterol issues he needs to take care of. He is actually doing really well with it. His one week follow up with the doctor went great and he goes back for blood work to recheck everything in three months.

Connor is still attending school at Little Scholars Academy. He loves it there and his teacher is so awesome. However, with Colin at Primrose Academy and that being two minutes from my work, we are moving Connor to Primrose on November 1st. I think this will be a great place for both of them.
We are waiting to hear from the Peoria School District to have Connor's speech tested again, per request from his peds doctor and after talking with his teacher I think it is a good idea as well. Connor had his tonsils removed and I am so happy to report that he no longer is snoring like an old man and his sleep apnea is completely gone! Woo Hoo!!!

Colin has adjusted so well with his new school. He started at Primrose in September. He is learning a new sign language word every week. His best friend at school is named Liam. They are so cute together. His teacher is so amazing and loving. I really feel like we got lucky here!!! This women honestly was the answer to my prayers for Colin. God is amazing!!! Ask and you shall receive and we did!!
We recently have had some allergy testing done on Colin and found out he is allergic to soy and mildly allergic to wheat and peanuts. We are praying that this will finally "fix" his constipation issues that we have been struggling with since he was three weeks old. We talk to the doctor next week about the next steps but, I have started today with removing those foods out of his diet. So far so good!

As for me. I am at a loss right now with what to cook for dinner for Paul and Colin and still feed Connor and I. I will figure it out but, we have all been eating separate meals lately and that is not only expensive but, getting really old. Hopefully in another week or so we will get an idea of what some dinner ideas can be that will accommodate everyones needs!
My doctor thinks I might have PCOS or tumors on my ovaries. I think she is wrong but, I guess it is better to be safe then sorry. My ultrasounds are next Friday. We will see what happens.

As those with children know things are never less then crazy busy! Hopefully this wont be my last post for months!!!

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