Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Pretty Easy!

Woo Hoo! It only took me a couple weeks to get back on here! Colin is doing so well with his new diet of no soy, wheat, corn or peanuts! It is amazing how much of each of those ingredients are in EVERYTHING!!!! No wonder the poor kid couldn't poo! Here are a few of Colin's favorites. I have found it pretty easy to substitute items for him. I just received in the mail today a mix to make him "special" graham crackers. Those are his favorite so I really hope they taste like the real deal.

Gluten Free Pizza from Sprouts. Colin was not a big fan of this but, Connor was!
Almond Butter and Jelly Sandwich. One of the favorites now!

We tried this bread first and it was good. Very dense. Did very well for toasting and making
Grilled Cheese.....

I mix these two cereals together so it isn't just frosted cocoa! (I am a Mom first!) I also made Rice Krispie Treats for Colin's Halloween Party at school.
I stole this idea from Deceptively Delicious: Puffed Rice and added some flax seed! Big Hit for Colin and Connor!

This is the favorite cereal for us all. Yum-O!

These taste like the cookie part of the Oreo. So Good!

I made a loaf of this bread last week and I prefer it over the stuff I bought for sandwiches. I made french toast with it this morning. SOOOOO GOOD!!!!!!! An added benefit of this is Colin is unable to eat Syrup (because it has corn syrup) so, I had to buy the 100% real deal Maple Syrup. So Much Better! It is pricey but, worth the splurge!

These are a few items that is getting us by for now. I have some wonderful gluten free chicken nuggets to post about as well as a good pancake/waffle mix and brown rice pasta (another favorite of Colin's). I want Colin to have a "normal" experience among his peers and thanks to all the help from Sprouts Farmer Market he has. I had no idea where to start in this store. I walked in with just the list of foods he could not eat and Jaime showed me all the cereals, crackers, cookies, breads, cake mixes etc...to get that people enjoy. It was such a relief!!!!